
Hey, I'm Mohammad 👋

I'm a self-taught fullstack developer from Hessen, Germany 🇩🇪. I'm running my own project since 3 years called CavageService.

What I Do 🤸

I started programming when I was just 13 years old. At first, I focused on Lua for FiveM Scripts, but I quickly taught myself several other programming languages. TypeScript is my favourite language, and I love working with Windows Server and Linux Server.

Technologies 💻

I utilise various tools to simplify my development process and enhance the quality of my code and projects. The following is a list of technologies and languages I have experience with or currently use.

Projects 🛠️

During my free time, I love to program for CavageService! I earnt with my projects on GitHub stars and forks. Below are some of my most popular repositories.